Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Giving Thanks

It is the season when we are reminded to give thanks.  Although this season seems to be but a mere "blip on the retail radar screen," it is no less important...maybe even MORE so.

Some may find it difficult to consider all they have to be thankful for.  Recently, the kiddos read a short story for school: "It Could Always Be Worse."  It is the story of a farmer, whose large family is crowded into a small home, tightly packed.  He wants a break from the chaos of his family, and asks his rabbi how this could be accomplished.  The rabbi tells him to move all of his farm animals INTO the house.  As you might imagine, this only made his living arrangements worse, so he moved them back to their respective places.  Subsequently, circumstances that he once believed to be unbearable in his home seemed even better after experiencing the tighter and more chaotic living arrangements with his family AND animals.

Obviously, the lesson to be learned from this fable is in its title.  We ALWAYS have much to be thankful for, regardless of our circumstances, whether great things or small ones. 

With that in mind, here's a month's worth of giving thanks: 

Music practice

For the privilege of teaching my children each day.

For my husband, a patriot, who gladly serves our country every day...he is a hero! 

For food in the fridge/pantry, warm blankets on the bed, the swagger wagon in the driveway to take me where I want to go, and a family to share it all with.

For 16 years of marriage to my sweet hubby...what an adventure the past 16 have been...wonder what the NEXT 16 (and beyond) hold for us.  

Community Naptime (should be a LAW)!

For the chaotic family "dog pile" in our bed first thing in the morning: Mommy, Daddy, 3 kids, a BIG baby dog, and even the kitty!

For the respite of a GOOD afternoon nap!

For the beauty of Fall!
For a good, hot, steamy cup of coffee!


For sweet kisses from sweet babies (although they swear they aren't babies anymore)!

For having had the privilege of serving my country in the U.S. Air Force, alongside my sweet hubby in the U.S. Army.

For time spent with my little family...warm breakfast, playing games, working on puzzles, grilling, watching the game, going for a walk...special times!

For the conveniences of modern appliances.

For the peaceful calm of morning...however brief that might be, it is still valued and appreciated!

For smart, well-adjusted, happy, healthy children!

For God's grace and mercy.

For the love, comfort, and joy from our furry family members.

For a sweet 90-year old's perspective on life!

For warm beds, fireplaces, gloves, knit caps, scarves.

For periods of rest...a good night's sleep, sweet dreams, breaks from the regular routine.

Thomas' LEGO Tower--an original

For children's imagination at work and play.

For a difficult, hard-working task accomplished.

For modern technology (telephone, computer, even FB!) which enables me to stay connected with friends and family, although they are a far distance from me.

For friendly, considerate neighbors.
For special music for a special season.
For nice temperate weather, cool rainy days, and the occasional snow to build a snowman and have a snowball fight with the kiddos.

Daddy's Return 2011-3rd deployment

For good food shared with good company.

For chocolate.

For special reunions after long absences.

For God's personal and special gift of a Savior.


So, what are YOU thankful for?  Consider all that you are, all that you have, all the special people and experiences in your life...give THANKS!

Daddy's Return 2009-2nd deployment

"For flowers that bloom about our feet;
For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet;
For song of bird, and hum of bee;
For all things fair we hear or see,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee!"

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Celebrate...to observe in some special way, with ceremonies, rejoicing, or festivities.

Around these parts, there is much to celebrate in the months of October and November.  Things have been rather hectic (more so than normal) in our household for the past two months!!  Things are slowing down, just in time to swing into the Holiday Season!  

We have two birthdays, along with Halloween, then our wedding anniversary, and of course, Thanksgiving. It seems as though the celebrating is continual and ongoing! 

There are no ceremonies involved, unless you count singing Happy Birthday to the celebrant. However, there is always much rejoicing, and occasionally festivities.  We mark the various occasions with special meals, a night out to a special place for dinner, cake, song, gifts...all to recognize that THIS is a special time, and should be treated accordingly.

Our 16th Wedding Anniversary

What are some of the things that you celebrate?  Birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, special accomplishments?

HOW do you celebrate? A special night out? A special gift?

Although we do celebrate the bigger life events, we also celebrate some of those things that there may not necessarily be a Hallmark sentiment for...

A special reunion on a return home...

Daddy returns home after a long time and long way away
An important life decision...

Jesus in her heart

A big accomplishment...

A soccer goal...SCORE!

An end to a great season


A ballerina's big night
 After recently traveling to Walt Disney World, one thing they know how to do (and do very well) is CELEBRATE.  It's fantastical, and also very infectious.

One of the parade themes:  CELBRATE TODAY!
Regardless of the cause for celebration or the manner in which we celebrate, we SHOULD. absolutely. celebrate...

...the important dates on the calendar, the milestones, but also the little everyday things!  
Celebrate that A on the Spelling test. Celebrate that winning score, or even a great play. Celebrate those special times.

Completing the Half-Marathon

Whatever is happening, whomever you are with, CELEBRATE it!  It is the gift given to you today, this moment, this special time.

"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living."~~ Amanda Bradley