Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Are you contentContentment....being satisfied with one's circumstances, status, possessions.  It is not a pinnacle reached, but an attitude, or bearing, of the soul and mind, continually needing cultivation and reassessment.  The challenge lies in attaining contentment REGARDLESS of those circumstances, status, or possessions.

"...for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am."~~Philippians 4:11

Thinking about times of greatest contentment, one must realize that it is not a mantle that falls about your shoulders, but one that must be CONSCIOUSLY donned.  At times of greatest contentment, it is as though my "soul sighs" in agreement.  During difficult times, or unwanted circumstances, contentment is most difficult to achieve, but not unattainable.  It is a matter of perspective, evaluating the position in which you find yourself, and viewing this time in the greater scheme of your entire existence.  In taking that proverbial "step back," you may identify a broader gratitude, leading to contentment with the particular circumstance.

Some things that make my "soul sigh": 
               A child's hearty laughter
               A waterfall
               A cool, crisp morning
               A good song
               A family dinner
               A gentle kiss

 What brings you to be contented?  What makes YOUR soul sigh?

"Be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love, and to work, and to play, and to look up at the stars."~~Henry Van Dyke


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