Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Comfort....to assist someone in feeling better. 

Around here this past week, discomfort has been prevalent.  Everyone has been ailing, and thankfully, all are on the mend.  Throughout the week, "Mommy's bed" was a favorite spot for the children to seek comfort...but why?  It's not that that particular place is any more "comfortable" than other places throughout the house. 

When you are feeling bad, either physically or emotionally, where do you seek  comfort?

A favorite food, that big, comfy chair, a good book, a special furry friend, a treasured "place" (like Mommy's bed), the people we love next to us....all these things comfort us. 

During this "sick" time, medication helped comfort the symptoms each one had.  Fluids, rest, the proverbial chicken noodle soup also helped to comfort.  While these things all did bring comfort, the most sought out was a presence (Mommy, in this case), a person special to the ones needing the comfort.

Many times, when we need comfort, it isn't necessarily to ease a physical problem, like sickness.  Sometimes, we are just discouraged, tired, lonely, despondent, and even grief-stricken.  We seek the comfort we need from those around us, those special people whom we love the most.  A kind word...a hug...just having that special person nearby, their presence provides us comfort.

These days, just having a word from my husband, from far away, brings me comfort.  It eases my mind from the worry.  His voice, in the teddy bears given to the children, brings them comfort, for having those words from Daddy close at hand.  Whether sick or well, having your loved ones close brings comfort to your soul.

"Words of comfort, skillfully administered, are the oldest therapy known to man."~~Louis Nizer 


  1. Beautifully written and well said. God bless you and your family.

  2. What a special talent you are, in so many ways! I'm so thankful the Lord (and Karl II) brought you into our family and our hearts. We love you and yours so very much!!!
