Friday, January 14, 2011


Music....likely some song just popped into your mind.
Music speaks to us on many levels, calms us, excites us, elicits vivid memories for us.
An article in the local newspaper this week, quoting a neuroscience publication, suggested that music affects us much the way eating does (and other, more intimate, pleasures do), causing a chemical reaction in your brain, that provides a "rush" when that music speaks to you. Think about how music enhances your life.

You sing or play an instrument in a soul communion, worship.
You sing along to a catchy tune in your car (likely to the embarrassment of your children).
Some music just makes you want to get up and move, to dance along to its rhythm or message.
Music communicates with us on such a visceral, basic level.

Music comes in many forms....think about turning your radio dial....pop music, hip hop, classical, jazz, top 20, new age, rap, rock music....whatever speaks most to you is available at the tip of your fingers, or the dial of the knob, so to speak. However, WHAT about the music speaks to it the notes? is it the rhythm? is it the message of the lyrics? It may be one, or all of those, at any given moment.

The music of life is many things besides a simple song. I have been witness to some of the sweetest music on earth this week. There is much "music" all around us...the contented sigh of a satisfied hunger...the quiet creaking of a house when all is at peace....the belly laugh of a child who is completely amused.  Life's music is all around us, every day.

There is music in the words spoken, "I love you, Mommy," as well as in the calming patter of the rain on the the quiet stillness of the snowy landscape.

"It is only by introducing the young to great literature, drama, and music, and to the excitement of great science, that we open them to the possibilities that lie within the human spirit--enable them to see visions and dream dreams."-- Eric Anderson

Listen carefully....what MUSIC do you hear?

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