Friday, January 7, 2011


It's a NEW year!  New....recent, unused, untouched, fresh..."out with the old, in with the new"...a time when many people around the world reevaluate their lives and lifestyles, often resolving to change something about themselves, live a better life, involve themselves in something new!

Sometimes, new is exciting....

Everyone loves that new car smell. .everybody is still reveling with all of the new toys and gadgets, gifts they received over the holidays...a new pair of cute shoes (ladies)...a new hobby (I'm really interested in mine, this NEW telescope...and trying to explore and interpret this vast night sky)...

Sometimes, new is alarming or scary...

The fear that clutches you when something new suddenly enters your life...a new city...a new diagnosis...

You may recall many new things that were both scary and exciting all at once....that new job, a new relationship, taking that leap and committing to fully experiencing whatever was in store.

Whether exciting or daunting, new is always....well.....NEW!

It's an opportunity for a fresh start, to start over, begin again, clean the slate. It's a time to face a challenge head on, take the opportunity to make the time or situation something new for you, or approach it a new way, a new attitude about the world around you.  The turn of the calendar seems to traditionally be a time to celebrate "new", but you can celebrate the new year, a new month or week, or even just the new day.

The most distressing thing you can do is to squander the opportunity for something new...doing something you have never done before, but always wanted to try; take that job that you always really wanted to see if you could do it like you have thought about for some time; spend some time with that new friend you have been wanting to get to know better for so long or just renew an old friendship; take that new adventure (no matter how big or small) refuse to pick up the chalk, so to speak, and write on that blank slate.

Celebrate the new in your life, each year, month, week, or even every day. But, do it NOW, not just once a year.  Embrace it!

Here is a NEW, unused, untouched, fresh, clean slate, meant just for you!

"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there can be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again."--William Penn

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